RPC Methods

Aleo RPC

You can review the official Aleo RPC documentation HERE


If you want to obtain the details of a transaction, you can call the method getTransaction,

which returns the transaction for the given transaction ID.




The transaction id of the requested transaction hex

curl https://api.data123.io/aleo/<API KEY>/v1/testnet3/transaction/at1td9klwgpevhgqcpfd5tvu88pv67uajugnxqysd93w40kx8na2cyq8qh3ls

Available Aleo API request methods,You can review the official Aleo RPC documentation HERE for parameter descriptions

Latest Height

Latest Hash

Latest Block

Latest State Root

Get Block

Get Height

Get Block Transactions

Get Transaction

Get Memory Pool Transactions

Get Program

Get Mapping Names

Get Mapping Value

Get State Path For Commitment

Find Block Hash

Find Transaction ID from Program ID

Find Transaction ID from Transition ID

Find Transition ID

Get Environment Information

Transaction Broadcast

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